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Trioza erythrea (Del Guernica) -- Homoptera, Psyllidae





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       This psyllid and Diaphorina citri (Kuwayama) are important psyllids attacking citrus by transmitting greening or likubin disease.  Trioza erythrea is distributed throughout eastern Africa, but also occurs in Sudan, South Africa, Madagascar, Mauritius, St. Helena and Reunion.  In Reunion T. erythrea is widespread in areas of high rainfall above 500 m.  Two eulophids, Tetrastichus dryi Waterston and Psyllaephagus pulvinatus Waterston, were introduced from South Africa.  Only T. dryi became established and controlled T. erythrea within two years (Aubert & Quilici 1983).  In 1978 Tetrastichus radiatus Waterston was introduced from India, and along with an accidentally introduced parasitoid, Diaphorencyrtus aligarhensis (Shaffee et al.) produced complete biological control of the other psyllid, D. citri in two years (Kennett et al. 1985).  Tetrastichus radiatus was introduced from Reunion in 1984, but did not become established.  Diaphorencyrtus aligarhensis and Psyllaephagus sp. were already present (Chiu et al. 1985).



REFERENCES:          [Additional references may be found at:   MELVYL Library ]


Aubert, B. & S. Quilici.  1983.  Nouvel quilibre biologique observ la Reunion sur les populations de psyllids l'introduction et l'establissement d'hymenoptäres chalcidiens.  Fruits 38:  771-80.


Chiu, S. C., K. C. Lo., C. C. Chien, C. C. Chen & C. F. Che

n.  1985.  A review of the biological of crop pests in Taiwan (1981-1984).  Spec. Publ. No. 19, Taiwan Agr. Res. Inst.  p. 1-8.


Kennett, C. E., J. A. McMurtry & J. W. Beardsley.  1999.  Biological control in subtropical and tropical crops.  In:  Bellows, T. S. & T. W. Fisher (eds.), Handbook of Biological Control:  Principles and Applications.  Academic Press, San Diego, New York.  1046 p.